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Hormones And Fertility: Everything You Need To Know

25 January, 2024

Hormones are the chemical messengers that affect many of your body’s functions. But temperamental beings that they are, hormones need to be in perfect balance to work as they should. So, whether you are keen to get a bun in the oven, or want a bit more insight into your reproductive health, here is what you need to know about your hormones and fertility. 

The main way in which your hormones affect your fertility is through your menstrual cycle. Throughout your cycle your body goes through hormonal fluctuations which all play a role in your ovulation and fertility. A hormone imbalance affects your fertility in two ways:

It can shorten the luteal phase of your cycle, meaning an egg has less time to become fertilised. Or it can cause what is known as ovulatory dysfunction where your period becomes irregular or you fail to ovulate at all.

So what hormones actually affect your fertility? 


Produced mainly in the ovaries, oestrogen is the main female sex hormone in women. It peaks in the days leading up to your ovulation and is responsible for regulating the menstrual cycle, supporting ovulation and conception. If levels of this hormone become either too low or too high then it will disrupt your menstrual cycle and your chances of getting pregnant. 


Progesterone works by thickening the walls of your uterus, readying it for a baby. Low levels of this hormone means that the egg will not implant and can cause you trouble in getting and staying pregnant. It can also worsen symptoms of PMS. High levels of progesterone will stop you from ovulating due to your body thinking it is already pregnant, much like how many contraceptive pills work.


Although testosterone is mostly thought of as a male hormone, it plays a vital role in reproductive health for women too. Too high or too low levels can cause fertility issues (along with a whole host of other health issues). So making sure a balance is found can be crucial.

Low testosterone also impacts your sex drive which of course is not very helpful to your fertility if you are looking to get pregnant. If you are experiencing low libido then our bioidentical hormone cream may be just the answer you are looking for.

Thyroid hormones

Your thyroid is the butterfly shaped gland at the base of your neck which releases thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3). Combined they are known as your thyroid hormones and help to regulate your reproductive system. Having either an under or over active thyroid has been found to lead to fertility issues

Luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)

Quite a mouthful, we know, but these two hormones work together and both play a key role in fertility by triggering the release of an egg from your ovaries. These hormones need to be in balance to ensure healthy ovulation takes place. High levels of these hormones can be an indication that you may have Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) which again can affect your fertility.


This hormone helps in the creation of breast milk. But much like progesterone, high levels when you are not pregnant can cause irregular periods or stop you ovulating completely.

So, as you can see, when it comes to hormones and fertility the struggle is real. But all hope is not lost, as there are many ways to keep your hormones in balance, as they should be. 

How to keep your hormones in check

While we can’t promise it will transform you into an automated baby making machine, balancing your hormones will indeed help with your fertility. Here are some of the ways you can keep your hormones in strong working order:

Fuel up on healthy food

While we are not suggesting you live off rabbit food, eating a healthy diet and avoiding the junk food will keep your hormones happy. Think fruit, nuts, leafy greens, wholegrains and all the other good stuff. 

Cut down on the coffee (and the cocktails)

It’s no secret that excessive caffeine and alcohol consumption will disrupt your hormones. So, limit the lattes and temper the tequila shots (especially if you are looking to conceive).

Work up a sweat

Regular exercise helps to regulate your hormones, so get moving. Not only this but it also helps reduce stress, which then has a knock on effect to your hormones.

Hit the hay

Getting a good night's sleep is essential for regulating your hormones. If you are struggling with getting your forty winks then try our sleep capsules, which are a proven way to improve both the quality and duration of your sleep.

Find your zen

It has been proven that stress is a massive disruptor to your hormones so take a breath and try to relax when you can. However, when you are worried about your fertility this is easier said than done. But meditation and breathing exercise are effective ways to combat your stress levels.

For those struggling with fertility it can be a long and anxious journey to get to the root cause of the issue, but seeking help is the first step. 

So if your hormones are in need of a bit of TLC and you are experiencing symptoms of a hormone imbalance then start an online consultation with us now.

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