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Can the Pill Cause PCOS?

17 September, 2024

From intense mood swings to excessive bleeding, we all know someone who has a story to tell about being on the pill. The many reported side effects have given this form of contraception a somewhat controversial reputation (to say the very least). 

This bad rep has led to many women becoming concerned about what it could be doing to their bodies and whether it could trigger certain health issues. 

If you’ve ever wondered whether the pill can cause PCOS, you’re not alone as it's a growing concern among women who are either on the pill already or are considering using it. 

The internet is, unsurprisingly, full of conflicting information, and it can be tough to separate fact from fiction. At Hormones + You, we want to clear up the confusion and help you make informed decisions about your hormonal health. 

So, can the pill cause PCOS? Let’s find out more. 

Firstly, what is PCOS? 

Polycystic ovary syndrome or PCOS as it’s known, is a condition which affects around 1 in 10 women in the UK. It's a hormonal disorder that causes an imbalance in your sex hormones and can cause symptoms such as irregular periods, excessive hair growth, hair loss, acne, weight gain, and fertility issues

Polycystic ovaries occur when small fluid filled sacs develop in the ovaries which then interfere with your ovulation or can even stop you ovulating altogether. 

It's a complex disorder that can have a major impact on your life, especially for those dealing with excessive hair growth or looking to start a family. 

Unfortunately, there is no cure for PCOS, but there are treatments that can improve symptoms. And the pill, you may be surprised to hear, is actually one of them. In fact it is one of the most common ways to manage the condition. 

But, if the pill is used as a treatment for PCOS why then why is there is much debate around whether it causes the condition? 

This is where it gets a bit complicated. 

Can the Pill Cause PCOS?

Firstly when we say ‘the pill’ this is a very broad term. There are in fact three types of contraceptive pill: the combined pill, the progestogen-only pill (or mini pill) and the low-dose combined, all of which contain different combinations of female hormones to prevent you from ovulating and (you guessed it) getting pregnant. 

Many people find relief from their PCOS by taking the pill, particularly when it comes to regulating their menstrual cycle, improving acne, and dealing with excessive hair growth or hair loss. 

However, research has found that in some cases it can actually make symptoms worse

It's important to remember that the pill is not a cure for PCOS and there can be downsides for some women that use it. 

Like any medication, it’s essential to understand how it may affect your body. If you’re considering starting or stopping the pill, or if you’re experiencing symptoms of PCOS, consult with your doctor to explore your options and find a treatment plan that’s right for you.

It's clear that the pill may not be the best option for everyone. 

But can the pill cause PCOS?

The short answer is no. There is no scientific evidence to back up this claim. 

So then where does this idea come from? 

While the contraceptive pill doesn’t cause PCOS there is a term known as ‘pill induced PCOS’ or ‘post pill PCOS’ that many people use. 

Is Post Pill PCOS a Thing? 

Some women may notice that after stopping the pill, they experience symptoms similar to PCOS, like irregular periods, acne and mood swings which can lead them to believe the pill has caused them to develop the condition. 

This phenomenon is actually known as post-birth control syndrome, and most women notice these symptoms between four to six months after stopping the pill, but it’s only temporary.

When you stop taking the pill, your body needs time to regulate its natural hormone levels, which can lead to symptoms that mimic PCOS. 

However, this doesn’t mean the pill causes PCOS. These symptoms generally subside as your hormones stablises which take around a couple of months. 

The pill can also mask symptoms of the condition. Like many of us who have been on the pill for years, stopping it can cause PCOS symptoms to suddenly appear, leading you to believe that the pill triggered the condition, when in fact, it was just being masked all along.

Then what Causes PCOS if not the pill? 

Like with many health issues specific to women (See: endometriosis, PMDD - to name but a few) the exact cause is unknown. 

But it is linked to hormone imbalances in the body, including abnormally high levels of testosterone, luteinising hormone (LH) and insulin. 

It's thought to be caused by a combination of genetics, hormone imbalances and other environmental factors such as weight gain. But more research needs to be done to understand the root cause of this condition.  

While a cure looks to be a far way off, at least for now, major strides are being made in terms of bringing more awareness to the condition. 

Ever heard of a Cyster?  A play on the words cyst and sister it's the term people with PCOS now give themselves to create a community of support and its helping women and girls across the world with the condition feel seen and understood. 

Taking Control of Your Hormone Health

At Hormones + You, we’re on a mission to empower women to take control of their hormone health. While we don’t treat PCOS, we do offer personalised hormonal solutions for women dealing with other hormone-related issues. 

This includes women suffering from PMS, which is closely linked to PCOS, with PMS symptoms like bloating, headaches, fatigue, and mood swings known to be more severe in those with the condition. 

Low progesterone is the main cause of PMS symptoms and is also a symptom of PCOS, so it's important that this hormone is kept at the right levels. 

This is where our bioidentical hormone-balancing cream comes in. Our doctor developed a formula that restores hormone balance to your body, alleviates your PMS symptoms and improves your overall mood and wellbeing. 

So, if you are experiencing symptoms of a hormonal imbalance and are looking for a personalised hormone treatment delivered straight to your door, then start an online consultation now and begin your journey to better hormonal health.

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